Robert Aleksandrowicz, MD, MBA
Chief Executive Officer

Prof. Magdalena Król, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer, Co-Founder

Tomasz Rygiel, PhD
Chief Techology Officer, Co-Founder

Przemysław Mencel
Chief Financial Officer

Lubomir Bodnar, PhD, MD
Chief Medical Officer

Ilona Marszałek, PhD
Head of Medicinal Chemistry

Konrad Gabrusiewicz, PhD, MBA
Director of Science Liaisons

Bartłomiej Taciak, PhD
R&D Group Leader

Michèle Ineczka Kappeler
Legal Counsel
Cellis collaborates with a network of esteemed advisors and partners whose extensive international experience strengthens our mission. Their expertise spans scientific research, clinical development, and strategic innovation, contributing valuable insights that drive the identification and advancement of commercially successful breakthrough therapies.

Prof. Alberto Boffi, PhD
Group Leader in the Department of Biochemical Sciences at Sapienza University of Rome

David Simpson, PhD
CEO at Iksuda Therapeutics and non-executive Director at Leaf Expression Systems

Tobias Weiss, PhD, MD
Senior Physician and Researcher at University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland

Anthony Brown, PhD
Senior Leader at British Biotech, OSI Pharmaceuticals, Piramed Pharma, Cancer Research Technology, and CellCentric

Prof. Magdalena Łętowska, PhD, MD
Former head of the Hematology Clinic at the Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine in Warsaw

Prof. Robert Klopfleisch, PhD, MD
Institute of Veterinary Pathology at the Freie Universität Berlin